Wednesday, May 09, 2007

More garden notes...

  • I picked another two pounds of cucumbers today, and a few Tiffany tomatoes. Last night I harvested a half-pound of chard. More figs on the fig tree -- the ones that set last month are slowly ripening.
  • I borrowed our botanist's pH meter and tested the beds. The blueberries are all 5.5 to 5.8 within about a two-foot radius. I need to lower that pH to 5.3 or a bit lower. I added sulfur about two months ago. It takes a few months to lower the pH, but I went ahead and added a bit more sulfur today. I don't see any signs of iron chlorosis, and they are growing well, so I'm not too worried. My other beds are all 7.0, perfectly neutral. I need to lower that a bit, so I put about a cup per 50-square feet of wettable sulfur down on my flower beds today.
  • Candytuft ( Iberis umbellata Dwarf Fairyland Mixed from T-M) has done really well for me this year. Mostly the lilac seems to thrive, but the white is doing OK, too. They they flop more than I'd like, but I'll have to add this to my late-spring and early-summer palette.

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