We've had some record-breaking heat (mid 80s) this past week, prompting me to finish running my water line to a spot nearer the garden, making watering a much easier task. The Chinese wisteria and Cherokee Rose (Rosa laevigata) are in bloom together at the back of my property, my Sparaxis has finally come into bloom (a meager first spike, but the flowers are beautiful), as have my Alliums and Ranunculus. My 'Blush Noisette', which I cruelly yanked from its original home back on September and plunked into a hole with little nurturing, has thrived. (The Noisettes, as a group, were developed not far from here in Georgia -- though they are known by the name of the Frenchman who popularized them.)
The spring flowers, sprouting up among the cool-season blooms and the roses, make the garden a particularly exciting place: Every day, something new comes into bloom.