Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Bleg: Rattlesnake Beans?

I'm out of Rattlesnake pole beans. Don't feel like spending the money for a packet with shipping and handling... I just forgot to save back some seed last year. I'll trade anyone out there some great Florida-friendly seeds (tomatoes? cukes? chard? kale? You name it!) for a couple handfuls of Rattlesnakes... Just drop me a note at centralfloridagardener@gmail.com!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I came across this post just now and good to know what you are offering. Wish you all the best with it.

  3. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Rattlesnake beans ae a good option for food. These are nutrious. You are right instead of spending money exchanging the seeds is a more better idea. i hope you get the required seeds soon.
