Sunday, February 02, 2014

Spring cleaning...

Yeah, I  know... I need to get back to the garden blogging. I pulled a banana clump out (never easy), and cleaned out from beneath it, and found these humdingers. Also: SPRING! Tomato & pepper seedlings... A week or so behind, but, hey, they're up.


  1. great post...this is very attractive blog.keep it up
    Metal Planters

  2. Don_in_Odessa5:11 AM

    For pickle worms anyone tried screening in their garden and hand pollinating?

  3. Great Post worth reading it.. also a very usefull post for garden architects & Landscaping designers

  4. Nice post! A big shout out to you guys for working really hard in maintaining your garden and giving us tips to help us maintain ours. :D
