Sunday, July 08, 2012

Johnnys order...

Getting ready for my winter/spring garden... I'll plant these mid-July for transplant into the garden in mid-August... Of course, half the seedlings will die... it's Florida!

Pumba (F1)-Packet
Vegetables > Onions > Hard Storage > Yellow – Full Size
Desert Sunrise (F1)-Packet
Vegetables > Onions > Hard Storage > Red – Full Size
Alibi (F1)-Mini
Vegetables > Cucumbers > American Pickling
Sweet Mojo (F1)-Mini
Vegetables > Tomatoes > Small-fruited > "Grape"
Vegetables > Beans > Beans, Pole
Chioggia Guardsmark-Packet
Vegetables > Beets > Specialty
Touchstone Gold (OG)-Packet
Vegetables > Beets > Golden Beets
Belstar (F1) (OG)-Packet
Vegetables > Broccoli > Hybrid
Snow Crown (F1)-Packet
Vegetables > Cauliflower > White
Arugula (OG)-Packet
Vegetables > Greens > Arugula/Roquette > Salad
Red Cross Butterhead Lettuce-Packet
Vegetables > Lettuce > Butterhead/Boston > Red
Hakurei (F1)-Packet
Vegetables > Turnips
Vegetables > Greens > Cress
Javelin (F1) (Pelleted)-Packet
Vegetables > Parsnips


  1. I'm in New Orleans, hot and humid like you are. Do you prefer Johnny's seeds for our areas? I've bought a lot from Burpee and have had reasonable sucess, except for tomatoes. They just like to die. Unless I stop being organic, I have to accept that. I put in various Kales and they'll go almost all year. I put in more flowers this year, half died. It's quite a change from the northeast where I was. I really enjoy your blog, I't helped explain a lot and given me a better idea of how the seasons run. Alien to what I'm used to. Thanks, Sally

  2. i like johnnys because they have a large selection of hybrids & reasonable prices. (shipping is steep, though... but probably reflects the true cost.) moreover, i have never been disappointed with the germination and performance of their plants, and never felt that i'd been sold the 'wrong' seed.

    that said, i don't tend to buy my tomatoes from them, as tomato growers supply has a much better selection. (i still think they sent me the wrong seeds for sungold this year...)

    tomatoes in our climes--just tough to grow. i grow mostly organic (i use chemical fertilizers because i think they are actually more ecologically friendly here in florida). i guess a couple points, based on my experience:
    1) hybrids. forget the darn 'heirloom' varieties. NONE OF THEM is as good as an f1. not in terms of flavor, performance, nothing. buy small or medium sized, early or mid-season tomatoes with as many letters after their names as possible. seriously,that's how i tomato shop.
    2) better too early than too late. i don't know enough about nola's clime, but here in fla, we have windows. missing the window by a couple of weeks makes a huge difference. tomato seeds are easy and cheap. stagger your seeding schedule so you have some to go in really early, and others in reserve. if you get a freeze, or if the fall-season crop gets blasted by a hurricane--you'll have backups.

  3. Michael, I'm in central Florida also keeping a log of what I order for others to see how some varieties do in our climate along with different growing techniques. You're website has info that is too useful and I will be using many of your techniques mentioning you.

    You're welcome to see my work, including the listing of seeds I order if you want to swap some.
