What happens when you have more broccoli than the family can eat... Sprouted broccoli tastes fine...
Often cauliflower will "rice" (get mushy) when it gets too old (like this one)... but fortunately mine haven't yet. There's only so much cauliflower four people can eat...
Honeybell tangelo on Flying Dragon rootstock. This six-foot tree bears extremely heavily. Great fruit. I love its size.
Plum, about a month early. I just pruned the things. Sigh.
Peach, ditto.
Why don't more people grow calendula in the States? In England, it's a standard spring/summer flower. So easy to grow from seed, absolutely indifferent to frost, and blooms continually until, say, mid-May, maybe later.
The bed my daughter and I recently cleared, expanded, enriched, and seeded. Everything's up!
Tomato seedlings for March 1.
Thanks for the pictures, love seeing other gardens. :)
ReplyDeleteYeaaa, so... I got really antsy due to the warm weather, and already planted the majority of my garden. Beets, beans, squash, zucchini, cucumber, carrots, beets, lettuce, pumpkin, watermelon annndd, sadly, I put my beautiful tomatoes in the ground. Tonight is supposed to get down into the high 20s here in Levy County... And I am nervous that I am going to have some casualties. I spent 2 hours covering them. Hope your new plants fare well, I might be out there tomorrow enclosing the whole garden in a greenhouse to save them haha
ReplyDeleteAn update from the post above. I covered the heck out of my garden, it dropped down to 26 I believe. All but two plants survived... The two that perished where both tomatoes. Tonight is supposed to get down to 20, so I went out and dug up the rest of my tomatoes and brought them inside for a little R&R. I am proud of them for taking the cold for one night, but I thought it might be too much to ask of them to endure another. The rest of the week is suppose to be chilly as well, so I dont want to have to start over from scratch. If anything outside is looking rough tomorrow, I plan on digging it up as well.
ReplyDeletehow'd your tomatoes fare? they're tough plant, but i wonder if they're tough enough to endure their recent travails. looks like my garden escaped with only a bit of damage...