Monday, June 13, 2011


Before dashing to the office, I planted:
  • Perilla
  • Basil (Genoa... I couldn't find a more heat tolerant one in my seeds)
  • A bunch of Trombone squash seeds (from 2007... I'll be mildly surprised if any germinate.)
  • Mississippi Silver cowpeas
  • Black Jungle limas
No room in the garden for peanuts. I'm continuing to plant sweet potato slips as they come available from my "stock." Now... Off the salt mine!

1 comment:

  1. I hope that trombone squash comes up! I saw it in a youtube and loved how the slices are almost uniform when using just the neck, AND no seeds from the neck either!

    Never heard of those limas either, are the beans actually black?
