Monday, May 09, 2011

Alma fig


  1. Anonymous4:55 PM

    So jealous of your wonderful garden. Enjoy!

  2. My figs are still looking pretty sad from the frosts this winter. Barely hanging on. Hopefully the coming rains will get them back in action. Are your trees sheltered in any way?

  3. Lisa Prieto10:31 AM

    I love your post - just came across it for the first time. I am in Central FL as well and just started my first garden. We are looking to buy a fig tree - any recommendations? Also i saw the beautiful pix of your gardenia - i have one that isn't doing so hot...first buds all dried up and dropped. Then growth really stunted. The leaves have a lot of brown so i put it outside on the porch as soon as it got hot and treated it with an fungicide. Lots of new growth but don't know what else to do to help it. Thanks for your blog & help!
