Sunday, April 24, 2011

First peaches, plums of the season

Something to have along with dessert this Easter day. Earligrande peach and Gulf Blaze plum. The peaches are wee, but that's because I didn't cull them this year. No regrets--they ripened very early, likely because they were so small...


  1. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Nice peaches! I am surprised that the plums are so tiny. Do they taste good?

  2. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Have you ever had a problem with worms on/in your peaches? last year I had a 100+ on the tree but when went to pick them they had worms in all of them. This year I sprayed with AzaMax as advised by Wormsway. I have only about 20 or so peaches this year and again every single one is rotten with worms and fruit fly. I'm ready to cut the tree down.
