Monday, September 27, 2010

Bees swarming

For the last several years we've had a beehive in a crack in the stucco exterior of our house. Most of the year I'm only somewhat aware that there are thousands of bees living in my walls, but this time of the year they swarm, presumably because they have an extra queen in the hive. I know when they're swarming because I'll find bees flying in the bedroom...

I leave the hive alone. I need pollinators and love bees. My garden is always full of them, and I never mind them when they sting me in the garden, regretting only the misunderstanding has to end in the bee's demise.


  1. This reminds me of an experience I had with bees in walls! I grew up in the Central Florida area. I remember when I was a little girl waking up to a pool of honey that had seeped from an old blocked off fireplace in my bedroom. I grew up in an old home that had the chimneys blocked off for many years and a beehive had developed inside one of the chimneys. So after a hard summer rain, the honey starting flowing. It was a pretty wild experience!

  2. Bobbi6:10 PM

    You should find someone locally that can come and 'rescue' the hive and start and apiary. I 'rent' a hive from a bee keeper here in Tampa. If you are in this area I can reccomend someone. Enjoy.
