Wednesday, October 07, 2009


Still working on understanding how to grow malanga (above). It's so tasty, so easy, but wow does it have a long season. I've decided it needs a 10 month season--which, given its persistent tubers, isn't as unlikely as it sounds. I just need the space to grow it.

Well, it feels like the tropics out there (minus the rain... BOY IS IT DRY!)... so, a tropical harvest of malanga, bananas, and roselle. I cut out most of my roselles a month ago because they hadn't started forming calyxes yet and I needed space for my cucumbers (yeah, the ones that got destroyed by stinkbugs...). Now I really regret having done that--the roselles are just covered in "berries." Ah,w ell, live and learn. Creating a long-lived annual/perennial vegetable bed should help solve this problem. The roselles were super easy to grow. Seeds available from ECHO.
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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:49 PM


    I'm interested in doing a gardenweb trade with you for your alternanthera "purple knight". I sent you an e-mail about it, so you can read more there. Let me know if interested.

