Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Half-way done...

I think I've reached the halfway point in the mulch pile. About 125 loads of mulch so far dragged into the backyard. My wife is doing the smaller beds in the front. I vacillate between thinking "there's not nearly enough mulch here to do all I want" to thinking "HOLY COW what am I going to do with ALL THIS MULCH!" Likely the endgame will be somewhere in-between.

Let's see... Broccoli is already up. I went out this morning to check the tomatoes and peppers and there was nada. Then I came back an hour later and two Nepal tomatoes had popped out of the soil. Kinda cool.

It's hiatus time in the garden. Nothing's producing much, except the peppers, eggplants and okra. Everything's just growing and storing energy. I think I'll have a smashing year for batatas and maybe malanga. My Mississippi Silver cowpeas haven't started producing yet, but when they do, I'm going to make my traditional pea and macaroni salad... Mmmmm.

Oh, and, finally, a new crop in my garden: Culinary ginger. I planted some corms yesterday. I've taken to making this recipe of ginger-ale. Yum. Very easy, very tasty. My sources tell me that culinary ginger grows well in partial shade, well-drained. I'll keep the blog posted.


  1. I'm up in North Florida - should I go ahead and plant the broccoli or wait until next month?

  2. what's the harm in giving it a shot now? if it's too early, you can replant in august. but broc's pretty tough. i have 16 plants seeded now, and i hope to have four-6 ready to go into the garden as soon as the temps drop even a bit...

  3. Great blog with lots of useful tips!

  4. I tried ginger. Kept it in the shade in a pot. Did fine for a few months then very suddenly died. I'd like to try again, but am dubious as I don't know what went wrong. Got a GREAT recipe for lacto-fermented ginger ale though. Adds good bacteria to the gut instead of just sugar. Let me know if you want it.

  5. We just made the ginger ale that you link to. It was great! I didn't measure anything but the amount of sugar, and somewhat on the yeast (half of a 1/4-tsp, that's pretty small and hard to hit exactly 50%). The carbonation really beats the laco-fermented stuff and the fact that you don't add salt keeps a more "normal" taste. I added way too much ginger, and squeezed two limes instead of lemon juice, so it has a good taste but it needs to be cut with water. I'll probably mix in water and a bit more sugar (for more carbonation from the still active yeast) when the bottle is about half empty.

    Thanks for the link. But you'vc got me ambivalent between the fizz or the acidophilous. Hmm, health or bubbles....?
