Monday, July 20, 2009

Determinant tomatoes...

While I'm recommending seeds, I'll add Bella Rosa determinant tomato (TGS) to the list... Produced over a long time. For indeterminant, full-sized, the prizes go to Cabernet and Tiffany. Both of these are "hot house" tomatoes... Solid, medium-sized, good disease resistance. You can keep your open-pollinated "heirloom" tomatoes... I'll go with vigor, taste and disease-resistance any day. (OK, if you want an heirloom that does well in FLA, that would be Goose Creek, a southern tomato with good resistance and vigor...)

added...TGS=Tomato Growers Supply.


  1. Yes, we've too noticed there's a definite place for hybrids. We're giving a couple more heirloom tomatoes a try this round, but mostly that's because of not knowing a good hybrid to try. Got your suggestion... but what is TGS? Order online?

  2. I found the heirloom tomato Floridade to do quite well in Florida. Ordered from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.

  3. I live in Tucson and have had hardly any luck having any open-pollinated tomato plants produce even 1/2 of what Celebrity produces even after years of trying and trying again. Determinates usually produce more than indeterminates though. Has anyone had bountiful summer productions of an open-pollinated determinate?
