Ah... The carnage. My yard is brown. So much is dead.
So, today I started spring seeds...
ABC--Cucuzzi Squash
DEF--Tatume Squash
GHI--Jetsetter Tomato
JKL--Cucino Cuke
MND--Sweet Spot Pepper X3R
And, in a smaller flat
A--Little Fingers Eggplants
B--Sungold Tomato
C--I have no idea. Forgot to write it down. Darn.
Are you starting them inside? I was thinking about getting a start on my cukes/squash/melon stuff because I get hammered by pickleworms. I figured if I got started now I might be harvested by the time they get here. But there still a good chance for cold temps. I'm probably 3-5 degrees colder than you here in Ocala. IDK. Maybe next week I'll start.