hey, mary! we just got from the keys, where i attempted, unsuccessfully, to catch all the fish in the straits. but i got most of them. what fun! the garden was a bit of a mess when i got back -- it's amazing what hell can break loose in the space of a few days, but it's summer in fla, i guess i should have expected it. a good mowing and an hour weeding took care of the worst of the problem. i'm definitely in tropical mode -- yardlong beans, crowders, sweet potatoes sprawling everywhere, yucca growing six inches a day, peanuts blooming, malanga finally leafing out. i finally got around to planting a bunch of okra, too. your white ruellia has finally started to bloom -- pretty stuff! does it bloom just in the summer? amazingly, my snaps still are going strong. this year, instead of pulling them when they started to fail, i cut them back almost to the ground. they seem to bounce back this way really well. i've also been deadheading them aggressively, which seems to help them to bloom faster.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
a note to a friend...
too busy right now to blog much, but here's a note i sent to a friend who asked me what's going on in the garden...
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