Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Strawberries for Central FLA

Johnson Nursery is the best source on the net I've found for ordering bare-root strawberries for winter planting here in Central FLA. (I have planted 'Sweet Charlie' and 'Chandler'. I didn't notice much difference between the two.) It's best to get them in sometime in October, if you can... Use plenty of compost, mulch heavily, and ignore the recommendation to plant them eighteen inches apart: I planted them a foot apart (in the French hexagonal method), and they could have been closer still.

I planted thirty last winter, and decided I needed at least twice that number, if not thrice, to get a large enough yield to do much more than eat them out of hand.

1 comment:

  1. good advice. i've never heard of johnson, but i'll try them. thanks!
