Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Black Swallowtail Caterpillar

I planted a bunch of bronze fennel last fall, aiming to attract Black Swallowtail caterpillars. They decidedly prefer my garden's Florence Fennel, which is about to bloom. I wonder if I'll be able to harvest fennel seeds? That's one of my favorite spices...

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  1. Parsley worms make great hen treats!


  2. alan,
    tho i know it must all be a part of god's plan, but this is one of those cases where I am going to call god himself to judgment -- how can your birds eat with equanimity these jewels of the garden?

    nature is red of tooth and claw, but it saddens me.

  3. How can your caterpillars eat with equanimity your fennel? {laughing}


  4. Those are beautiful photos of the Black Swallowtail Caterpillars! I would love to have them in my garden. Of course, I would love even more to have all of those tomatoes from your previous post!
    Tomatoes in May - Yummy!

  5. I think your BST pictures are so pretty! I hope to attract that species to my garden this year. I planted parsley, fennel, dill, and rue. I haven't seen any cats yet. I live in PA.

  6. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I am raising catapillars and so far three have made their cacoon, but one is white. Is it dead or in the middle of changing?
