Friday, April 13, 2007

And the continuation continued...

Figs. I didn't see the flowers, but it must have flowered, right? Figs rule.

Quailgrass, a few weeks after I planted it. Fairly slow to germinate.

Edible Amaranth from ECHO. I think it's flea beetles, damn them, that have chewed the leaves. It will outgrow the problem, but it's tempting to open up a can of Sevin on their asses..

Yellow Banana Peppers.

1 comment:

  1. Figs. I didn't see the flowers, but it must have flowered, right? Figs rule.

    It did, but you wouldn't have been able to see them. Figs are a bit odd in their reproductive behavior in that their flowers are inside of the fruit. Fortunately the types of figs that we grow here in the Southeast do not need to have their flowers fertilized to set fruit.

    There is a class of figs called "caprifigs" that do need to be fertilized for which there is a very special type of wasp that performs the pollen carrying function. Unfortunately the wasps don't survive here so caprifigs are largely confined to the Mediterranean-like climate areas of the world.

