Saturday, March 31, 2007

Busy busy...

It's been a tremendously busy time of the year for me. I've had time enough to water, but that's about it. Today, though, was absolutely perfect weather, and I spent most of it out of doors, cleaning out my winter garden and sowing seeds for the hot and rainy season that is around the corner. Let's see, quickly...
  • In my Parks dome...
    • 10A-C Globe Basil
    • D-F Genoa Basil
    • 9A-C Pineapple Tomatillo
    • 9D-F and 7, 8: Cleome Dwarf Spiders from Parks
    • 5,6: Zinnia 'Ruffles Yellow'
    • 3,4: 'Desert Sun' Zinnias (these performed very well for me last year)
    • 1,2: 'Dasher' Zinnias (love those Parks $1 sales!)
  • In some little pots...
    • Bunny Tail Grass
    • Green Cat Goose Grass
  • From the awesome DeLand 'plante' sale, I got a Dwarf Cavendish banana and some Blackberries... I'm skeptical that the latter will do well, but the owner assured me... Both of these went into my garden today.
  • In the veg garden, I transplanted/planted:
    • Quailgrass
    • Amaranth (both this and the above from ECHO)
    • Genoa Basil
    • Cucino cukes
    • Lemongrass
Some other garden notes...
  • Blueberries: Some are ripe and ready to be picked tomorrow morning...
  • The blueberry cuttings I got this winter: They're covered in leaves and today I gently pulled one from its pot to find... ROOTS! Hurray!
  • Strawberries: Lots of berries out there, but I realize that a small berry patch (mine is 10x15) will yield no more than a couple handfuls a day. To really supply a family of four, you'd need no fewer than 75 plants. That said, the berries are beautiful and tasty, and I've used no pesticides and only a bit of synthetic fertilizers this year. I cannot tell the difference between Sweet Charlies and Chandlers. The Chandlers I got as bare-root, the Charlies as potted plants. They didn't produce much during the winter, but they've surely earned their place in my garden.
  • Figs: First leaves, fruit's already formed.


  1. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Eating one or two strawberries off my plant made me realize how much you really need to feed a lot of people! While some things don't require as much, it seems the berries and legumes do!

  2. I agree too. I have 7 plants around the house and usually have one or two each day. It's more fun to see them as little found treasures versus meals.

  3. Anonymous7:07 PM

    the bunnies are getting our strawberries. we'd have to pick them when white to get them since the bunny eats them at that stage.
    love your blog.
