Tuesday, January 02, 2007

True Blue Propagation

True Blue Propagation
Welcome to True Blue Propagation True Blue Propagation only grows and sells premium blueberry plants. We specialize in providing State inspected plants to farms all over the America.

We provide detailed written growing instructions when you purchase our blueberry plants. It helps you with site selection, soil preparation, watering, mulching, fertilizing, harvesting and handling. We recommend ordering a minimum of 2 plant types for optimal cross-pollination.

True Blue Propagation only grows America's best blueberry varieties. Our intent is that you receive only the highest quality blueberry plants. Your plants arrive rooted in a good portion of moist soil.

Early. Bush is vigorous and spreading. Fruit is very large, firm, medium blue, with excellent flavor and a small scar.

'Emerald' was released as a patented variety by the University of Florida in1999, and is currently one of the more widely planted varieties in north-central Florida and appears to be adapted from Gainesville to Sebring. Emerald combines a vigorous, upright, bush with high yield potential, early ripening, and large, high-quality berries.

Emerald flowers open uniformly, and it produces abundant leaves even after mild winters in Gainesville. Because the plant is highly vigorous when planted on suitable soils, Emerald is capable of carrying heavy crops.
Early. Slightly spreading, highly vigorous bush. Highly productive. Fruit is large, light blue, small scar with a slightly tart flavor.

'Jewel' ( Fig. 2 ) is a patented release from the University of Florida breeding program with a moderately low chilling requirement, very early ripening, and high berry quality. Jewel appears to be adapted to the region of Florida from Gainesville to Sebring.
Early. Bush has medium vigor, semi-spreading. Fruit is medium sized, light blue, very firm, small scar, with a pleasant aroma and excellent balance of sweet and tart flavors.

Sapphire was developed by the University of Florida to fill the need for lower chill varieties. Sapphire sets a high ratio of berry buds so pruning will be important for optimum berry size and plant growth. We recommend Sapphire for trial in low chill areas where winter frosts are uncommon. Chilling hours are estimated at 200.

Star has not performed well south of Ocala where it tends to produce few flowers and has weak growth. Average date on which Star reaches 50% bloom in Alachua County is February 23.
'Windsor' is vigorous, with stout stems and a semi-spreading growth habit. Windsor appears to be best adapted to north-central Florida but has been grown successfully as far south as Hardee County. The mean date of 50% open flower in Alachua County averages about February 21, about 3 days after Sharpblue and about 3 days before Star.

Windsor leafs out strongly as it begins to flower, and this strong leafing enables it to support a large crop. In Alachua County, the first commercial hand harvest on Windsor (10% of the crop ripe) averages about April 12, and 50% of the berries are normally ripe by April 24. Windsor berries are very large.
Sebring is in Highlands County, at about 27 degrees latitude.

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