From The Late February Central Florida Garden: Permaculture |
The whole point of this front bed was to give me room to stage and rotate plants, without resorting to culling plants to make room for new seedlings. But I have a lot of tomato and pepper seedlings, and I really want to get a lot of them in before March 1... So, I yanked half a row of cabbage this morning. and replaced them with some pepper seedlings.
Carrots are getting close to harvest.
I pulled up the last of the radishes. I grew Cherriette this year, a hybrid radish from Parks. I planted them on October 24. I had a handful of huge ones left in the ground and, remarkably, not a single one had split. Some were as large as a racketball. Impressive.
I noticed that my blackberries have started to bloom. And my Southern Highbush blueberries are in full bloom now, constantly surrounded by a handful of wood bees that squirm and wiggle their way inside the narrow flower. Still no sign of persimmons breaking dormancy, but their surely close. Oh, and my citrus has set buds, so they should be blooming in the next week or so.
Good time in the Florida garden.