Sunday, February 23, 2014


Gardeners! Lowe's has onion sets in right now... For their ease, and given how expensive sweet onions are, onions are among the best things to grow in the Florida garden. Plus you can eat the onions at any stage, from just swollen to huge.

I often come across old onions in the fall during my cleanup. They last,what, a week in the pantry? Or six months in the garden....

Just be sure that you buy southern onions, those that are marked "day neutral." Otherwise, you'll end up growing scallions... In the past, I've grown onions from seeds. This year, I got a batch of bad seeds (need to figure this out) that never germinated, so I don't have the long row of red onions I have had in the past...

Monday, February 10, 2014

Never tried this in Florida, but seems appropriate: A way to avoid our poor soils & nematodes.

(HOO-gul-culture) meaning hill culture or hill mound. Instead of putting those branches, leaves and grass clippings in bags by the a hugel bed. Simply mound logs, branches, leaves, grass clippings, straw, cardboard, petroleum-free newspaper, manure, compost or whatever other biomass you have available, top with soil and plant your veggies.

Much more here...

Monday, February 03, 2014

An incomplete list of open-pollinated seed sources in Florida...

Mary's Heirloom Seeds
They offer all organic, open-pollinated, non-gmo and non-hybrid seeds. All the seeds that you order will be "Free shipping" and will be delivered within 24 hours except for holiday. You can contact them thru the online form in their website.

They sell homegrown meat, dairy produce, pantry items and non-GMO plants and seeds. Contact them thru the online form in their website or Email:

Eden Organic Nursery Service Inc.
They offer organic and hybrid seeds for vegetables, tobacco seeds, medical and healing plants and many more. Contact:(954) 382-8281

Grower Jim's Plants and Produce
They are a small sustainable farm selling fresh produce, plants and seeds. Their seeds are hand-picked, open-pollinated, non-hybrid, non-GM, and heirloom types grown chemical-free in a natural environment. Their selection includes both edible and ornamental varieties of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. Contact them through their website or Facebook page.

Florida Backyard Vegetable Gardener
All of their seeds and plants are non-GMO and open-pollinated. Contact:352-650-7343 and Email:

Healthy Harvest Seed Company, LLC
Healthy Harvest Seed Company is a small, family owned and operated, seed company located in Central Florida. They sell different kinds of vegetable, herbs and many more. Contact: 855-340-3451 and

Organic Sanctuary seeds are Non-GMO, Non-Hybrid, and grown in a Honey Bee friendly Open-Pollinated environment. You can contact them in their online form.

QR Seeds Inc.
They offer non-GMO vegetable garden seeds. They have signed "The Safe Seed Pledge of The Council for Responsible Genetics" Contact:352-345-7387

The Pepper Gal
The Pepper Gal sells many kinds of non-GMO pepper seeds including hot pepper seed, sweet pepper seed, ornamental pepper seed and many more. Contact: 954-537-5540 and Email:

Self Reliance Strategies, LLC
They are selling 100% non-GMO and non-hybrid of a large varieties of seeds. Contact: (321) 348 - 4113 and

Two Seeds in a Pod
They have a large varieties of non-GMO and heirloom vegetable seeds. They have signed "The Safe Seed Pledge of The Council for Responsible Genetics" Contact:

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Spring cleaning...

Yeah, I  know... I need to get back to the garden blogging. I pulled a banana clump out (never easy), and cleaned out from beneath it, and found these humdingers. Also: SPRING! Tomato & pepper seedlings... A week or so behind, but, hey, they're up.